Credit Ron Croci |
Shortly after we arrived in California, around the same time I discovered the salt flats,
my Father took me to the Pacific Ocean,
which was a short car ride from our house. I would have found my own
way there but I was only 12 and I need a ride. My Dad was a fisherman
and a
sailor so he was used to seeing the Ocean, but me, I had never seen
anything like it. We went there to go surf fishing; or rather my Dad did
as I didn’t know how. I remember it was very cold and overcast with
stormy clouds rolling overhead. The Sea was Grey,
and the surf was big and churning. Sea birds and Seals were everywhere.
We walked down a steep trail to a small sheltered cove, to a place
called MARTINS BEACH. Behind us were tall coastal cliffs that reminded
me of a giants fantasy castle. The beach sloped
steeply and the shore break rumbled furiously. The salt spray mixed with
the scent of the animals had a rich sharp smell that could have been
called stinky, but actually fresh and alive. I was mesmerized. Sitting
there on the edge of the sand, staring at the
thundering surf gave me the same feeling of vertigo that a person gets
when they look over a cliff and feel like jumping. It was as though I
were a zombie that could walk with out blinking into the jaws of the
Ocean never to be seen again. Of course I did not.
I just sat and stared. After watching my Dad for a while I wondered down
to a flat rocky ledge. There was a tall cliff with a sharp corner. And
when I walked around this corner what I saw surprised me.
was a large sea cave, about 30 feet high and a hundred feet deep. The
bottom was an enormous tide pool with clear calm water gently washing
back and forth.
This was Magic. The walls were
dripping wet, and shimmering with silver light from the reflections of
the tide pool. All over the walls crabs, snails and many large bug like
sea creatures were running in all directions then
stopping to stare at me with their eyes on the ends of long stalks. The
sound of the waves in the distance echoed off the walls. The real
treasure though lay at my feet. The water in the tide pool floor was
about twelve inches deep and completely covered with
Sea life. It was as though I stood on top of an enormous piece of
jewelry totally encrusted with every kind of jewel imaginable. I got
down on all fours and stared. Sea Urchins, tiny Eels, Star Fish, lime
green Sea Grass, Snails, Crabs, little fish, and most
things I didn’t even know of blanked the bottom. I waded into the icy
water and was beside myself with delight. I grabbed in every direction.
It was as though I wanted to embrace the whole pool. My Dad was a ways
off but keeping an eye on me. It was safe in
there and he knew it, so he let me play around and amuse myself. Well,
amuse myself I did. Sticking my fingers in Sea Anemones and watching
them close. I tried to catch little silver fish that were like swimming
shards of glass. Then to my amazement I saw a
little Octopus. It was only six inches wide as it sat on a seaweed
covered rock changing colors.
spent the afternoon there among the sparkles and reflections, absorbed
in all the colors of red, green, purple and black, turning over rocks to
see entire
colonies of living wiggling creatures. It seemed there was no end to it.
Then I looked up to see my Dad peeling blue and black shelled mussels
from the rocks. We
went home after that and
cleaned the four inch mussels and put them into boiling water. After
several minuets they opened up and I could see their orange flesh. We
dropped the muscles in hot butter and lemon juice. Their salty marine
flavor took me right back to that cave of jewels.
have returned there many times and have always delighted in observing
the life in this shimmering grotto. This story has no moral or dark tale
of redemption.
Nothing weird really, just a wonderful experience a twelve year old boy
had as he realized for the first time the power and beauty of the Pacific Ocean.